Winter can be harsh if your carrier furnace is not functioning well and if it is not producing enough heat. By properly taking care of your furnace, it is worth as it will save you a lot. The following are tasks will ensure your furnace keeps running throughout winter. These tasks will only cost you less, take you less of your time and requires basic hand-held tools. Your winter will be cozy and warm too.
The first step is to. Switch off the power and open burner chamber door. You only need to open the two screws by use of a screwdriver. Inspect the flames of the burner. They must be blue and light evenly. You start by switching on and activating the burners after raising the thermostat. If the flames are yellow, it means the burners are dirty. Do not adjust but call a professional to assist. There is a need to vacuum the burners. Switch off the power and shut off the burner. Vacuum the base of the furnace and the burners. Vacuum everywhere including the back of the burner to clear off the dust. You can use a flashlight to check if there are any traces of soot. If you notice any black powder, it means there is poor combustion. Vacuum the blower area by lifting the lower door. Remove the bolts securing the blower to clean it. Two screws will let loose and let it hang. Hold the blower and gently remove it. Know more about carrier furnace reviews here!
Clean the blade of the blower thoroughly by use of a vacuum and a soft brush. Do not stress the wire or disturb the components of the blower. In case you are unable to clean the blower, ask for professional help. The filter needs to be changed more often to protect the blower motor and the blower, Check the manufacturer's manual before buying the filter. It is not necessary to install a high efficiency gas furnace filter as it can cause the blower motor to strain and make your furnace not to heat properly.
If you want clean air, then separate the aeration system. You can use a straw to blow dust from the pilot. A dirty pilot is likely to cause the thermocouple to give a false reading. Clean the sensor using a fine cloth. You can remove it then return it to its usual place. Also, dust the igniter and inspect the driver's belt. The bearing needs to be lubricated and the dampers settings adjusted. If any air ducts need sealing you can use metal tape to seal. For any significant problems, contact a professional. Find more details about furnace by checking this website